My Favourite African Book Covers of 2014

by - 11:12

I'm back again, with my obsession for book covers. So much so that my 'Best of 2014' list is on my favourite African book covers of the year. Back in May, Africa is a Country wrote about The Dangers of a Single Book Cover, with African Literature often getting the Acacia tree treatment. As someone who judges books by their covers, I wanted to step away from the single acacia tree book cover and so showcased some of the book covers I've featured on my Tumblr (African Book Covers). So which covers did I love this year?

My favourite cover of the year is South African illustrator and designer Joey Hi-Fi's design for Nnedi Okorafor's Lagoon. I first gushed about it back in 2013 - going on about how absolutely gorgeous it was with images of Lagos above and the sea life and activity below. I loved everything about it and the cover still speaks to me on so many levels - it gives me chills, but it also excites me.

Well, here are 21 more of my favourite African book covers of 2014 - and there is no Acacia tree in sight.

Reissue with special edition covers from Faber & Faber

French Translation cover of Who Fears Death designed by Joey Hi-Fi

This is the second edition cover reprinted by Kwela this year

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